Monday, April 2, 2012

Letters from Julia

We all had that childhood stage where we often wrote letters just for the fun of it. I guess I was around 4 or 5 years old when I was in that stage, and now it's my sister who's like that. She's 7, by the way, and she has crappy handwriting. I'm sorry, Julia but when I was 6, I could write in script already and my print was never a mess. Hahaha. Oh, and I could spell, too.

Anyway, when I arrived home yesterday, Julia surprised me with a letter and polvoron from Goldilocks.

It even had a finger light inside. Or whatever you want to call it.

Well, Julia. What a big problem you have over there! I think you should enroll in hiphop first and lose weight, then when you're sexy already, you could do ballet as to avoid injuries as well. :) Hey, no hate, dear reader! I was sexy when I did ballet years ago! Hahahaha.

Julia's really funny (unintentionally!). Don't stop reading because this is something really worth sharing! Last week (or whenever that was), Mom wasn't feeling well and asked Julia to give her biogesic. She gave Mom the tablet without the packaging already, and Mom took it just like that. Mom asked Jo to check the trash can if what she took was really biogesic, and Jo found out it was actually cough medicine that expired two years ago. Yes, two years ago! Julia got so scared about giving Mom the wrong medicine, so she wrote Mom a letter about it. The next day, Mom found a letter inside her cabinet and it read:

Dear Mom,

If you die goodbye. I'm very very very very sorry that I gave you the wrong medicine.

Love, Julia.

If she's like this now, I wonder what she'll be like ten years from now...

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