Sunday, January 29, 2012

Untitled post #124230850

Sometimes, it's a good thing when I get bored, because I start doing something awesome. Euw, I think the word awesome is overused already, but there's no other word I could think of as of now, so let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

What am I talking about? Well, scroll down, my dear friend. Everything you are about to see here is a product of sheer boredom. Therefore, I conclude I should be bored more often.

I played around with manual mode.


My first attempt at doing hearts: I didn't know it would turn out upside-down. I guess common sense isn't so common after all. *insert troll face here*

This one's my favorite!

Tonight was inexplicably beautiful. Except for the part where I haven't talked so much tonight. This dorm is a lonely place for me on weekends. But then again, we all need a little solitude sometimes.

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