Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas in 5 hours! I know we're all giddy and excited to open presents, but let's give a minute of silence and prayer to the victims of Sendong, who have lost most, if not all of what they have. It's the best thing we could give them this Christmas aside from donations. Stop saying "It doesn't feel like it's Christmas at all". It only proves how apathetic you are. And it sucks. It sucks big time and it does not make you cool. Why don't you donate old clothes to the victims of Sendong instead, and be happy you're still alive? I hope you realize how blessed you are to have everyone and everything around you this time of the year. So shut up and be grateful. I have to stop here because I do not want to sound like I'm giving a sermon and I think you already get what I'm saying. I really hope you do. Reflect on it.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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